Blah blah blah
the introduction
“Love is much like a wild rose, beautiful and calm, but willing
to draw blood in its defense.”
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Wednesday, July 30, 2008 / 7:32 PM
chatting with boyfriend yesterday night was great. we talked things out, our probs and happiness, etc. for the 2 plus hours! heehee. miss her loads la. v v v happy to see her. ;D
JIAYOU wor boyfriend, i'm here! hahahaahahahahhaa.
miss her loads! <33
was very tired when i woke up this morning for my 8am lesson. met beloved. ate curry puff.
wrote a bit of argumentative essay. squeezed some of my brain juice. LOL. went koufu to eat before cprog. had cramps, which i seldom have. hais. symptoms...
darn bored la, during cprog. surf net and doing questions and not understanding a single thing about the questions! ;x
beloved, dear and jackjack came my house. make sushi. hahahahaha. went sheng siong buy ingredients. it's v v v fun & interesting. had our own inventions de. and it's also very UNGLAM! never mind. i love the moments when we all get together. haha, it's a waste that sm and andy not there.
the sushi was nice even though long time never do le. preparing the things together with beloved. hahahaha. so fun la.
pictures BELOW! heehee. ;D
me doing the sushi. LOL.
our invention~
quite presentable le ba. (: mopped the floor, watch tv, bathed. heehee. do abit housechores lo. got the mood. ;P
jackjack went home at 6. zx went meet friend at 630, while me and dear go fetch meimei from school. was feeling tired.
now blogging while waiting for mama to cook finish the dinner, chicken rice. yeah, long time never eat that le. (: dear was with my meimei watching tv now.
v v v v hungry liao. GRR.
tomorrow no school cause ematerials was cancelled! heehee. going out with dear probably. yeappie!
take care. byebye!
can some people please be considerate? don't HUG onto the pole when others need it so much la. saw a lady yesterday, when i took lrt home, she was like fell out of love. HUG onto the pole like nobody's business. =,= hold the handle and pole. a bit out of mind la. and today morning, a guy who seems to hide the pole using his body la. i cannot even hold lehs. GRR. cannot stand this type of people la. sickening and selfish and somehow brainless.
*no offence!* >.<
Tuesday, July 29, 2008 / 8:42 PM
yesterday went home at 6 plus from bugis. ohmyFtian! walk the whole bugis like darn fast la. never see until anything lo! hais hais hais.
ate dinner at home with dear, mama cook. (: lol.
watched tv. chit chat. heehee.
dear went home at 11pm. then i online for awhile jiu go orh orh le.
today only 1 hour of fmaths lecture then that's the end of my school le! YEAH! hahahahaha. ;D
went AMK hub with beloved. chatted alot during the journey. ate mcspicy, as usual. went to buy movie tickets. shop shop around, got alot of things want to buy but have no $$.
saded. tried top. lol. bought popcorn combo. the show was darn nice la!
it's worth for the 2 and 1/2 hours with your butt on the seat! ;D
after that, acc beloved to nbss for the ndp rehearsal.
heehee. no comments. (:

beloved! <33
that's me at nbss!took bus and train home. many many people wor.
reach home bathed le jiu eat dinner lo, cause was v v v hungry! ;x
now blogging...
chatting on phone with dear who just finish gym-ing. bleh!
going watch tv le, 9pm show! ;P
after that gonna meet sin ee boyfriend lo. hahahahahaha. long long time never see her le.
miss her loads!
"dark knight".
take care, byebye!
Sunday, July 27, 2008 / 10:58 PM
morning woke up late, in the end was late meeting them(dear, boon & fang). reach novena at 11plus.
bought old chang kee. walk over to the queue for the GUINESS 9BALL TOUR. wa, the queue was darn long la. stood there for 1 hour plus. go off at 1 plus after a game. cause we think that it's impossible for us to go in de. hais hais hais.
went to eat LJS. woohoo! LJS FC seh(boon say). ;D after that took 133 to bugis and play pool.
sians, cannot watch jiu go play lo.
played race to 9 with dear. he won, GRR. after that, play race to 3 with boon, i LOST AGAIN! played race to 3 with fang, LOST AGAIN!! ohmyFtian! i've to improve on my pool liao.
play till 6 plus. took bus to msq, dorothy perkins. bought my stuffs and also find zx. hahahahahha. ate korean BBQ chicken set at the foodcourt. bought drinks at 7eleven and took train home alone. (: darn tired.
blablabla... now going to watch vcd awhile jiu go orh orh liao. heehee.
byebye! ;D
hais, i'm feeling a bit mixed feelings today, THE WHOLE DAY! don't know why.
/ 2:18 AM
fri: ate bread, curry puff, sweet&sour pork rice, mcflurry, LJS, chicken wings.
ohmyFtian! ate soooo much. don't know how many meals liao. >,<
meet beloved in the morning to school. fmaths lecture & tutorial. getting well in fmaths as i've kind of cleared my doubts. great! (:
koufu. then head to bugis. walk walk. didn't manage to buy anything... nothing attracts me to buy it. it's okay! dear came over. then went home. watched vcd.
dear helped me with taking care of meimei. *oops* thanks dear! muacks.
went BPP for dinner with sally sister, passed her book. chatted awhile. no pictures, forgot to take. ;P
bathed and watch 9pm show. went out then took train till je, found out that very sians. so went back home. bought supper back home. watched vcd.
dear went home very late. acc me.
i was in a very very bad mood. get agitated and irritated easily. super duper pek chek. really sorry for what i've done. hais. ): it'll be better next time.
woke up at 3pm today. dear came over as his tuition ended long ago. hahahahahahaa. ;P
we went to buy lunch together. watched vcd and went out at 6plus. took bus to bugis.
he's trying to sleep.
walk walk then didn't manage to buy things. so took train to dhoby ghaut. bought movie tickets at cathay. (: walk around ps, nothing to buy too. no shoe size is for me! GRR. it's okay!
went carrefour. bought chips.
me at the travellator.
my phone camera sucks sometimes. 
nachos combo. wahahahaha.
190 home. heehee.
thanks for being patient.
"wedding daze".
wahahaha. got to go orh orh liao. have to wake up early tomorrow! going for the guiness 9ball tour with dear, boon and fang. heehee.
also to buy my stuffs at msq de dorothy perkins. yeah! can get to see my beloved! hope she will get well soon. ;D
Thursday, July 24, 2008 / 11:17 PM
today, ate breakfast very quickly. spread bread for zx sm and kaye. was late for 1/2 hour again! for CRS make-up lesson. lecturer was very very angry. had my presentation. i was super duper nervous la. zx can hear me trembling lo. hais. don't know if i can do well anot. the audience is like all asking no link questions la, except for some. but we still can manage to answer them. =,=
ate fish soup at koufu very quickly again. ohmyFtian! to rush for the next lecture. thought still got time but in the end we're wrong! LOL. no ematerials prac. did some lecture and online quiz.
then me and zx acc sm to repair her laptop in school. after that, sm went home while me and zx went msq. on the way there, got one person called to ask me about an admin job. asked me to send my resume. heehee. hope that i can get this job then don't need waste time go find le.
we ate mcspicy! hahahahahaha. cannot use the wireless. =,=
chatted awhile then she went to work. i took train home alone.
was v v v tired la. slept on the train. hais.
relax at home just now. just sent my resume and now blogging lo. haha.
going to sleep soon. tomorrow fmaths, shit lo. don't understand de!!
goodnight peeps.
byebye and take care. (:
/ 3:28 PM
blues blues blues~~
tues: ohmyFtian! my fmaths is getting out of hand. really really cannot understand what the f the teacher is talking about liao. hais hais hais. thermo tutorial was fine. managed to understand a bit. (: had my etech lab test. it went on smoothly, hope i can get high grades for it. hahaha.
BFF's first photo! <33after etech, BFF acc me to SPGG for my pool training. was really really scared about it. cause i don't know people there and that's my first training.
really lots of thanks to BFF for acc-ing me there. muacks! ;D
6pm-10pm training. at one moment i can feel my arm breaking off. hahahahaha. but it's fun, i've learnt alot of basics. thanks people there who teach me, esp sino. also, the people there quite friendly. *grins*
10pm, dear and jackjack waited for me outside school. dear send me home then jackjack went home. we ate at my house downstairs de mac as i'm super duper hungry and tired, slept through the whole journey. heehee. waited for jiejie to come meet us at mac.
dear stayed over at my place as he wanted to help me out with my CRS project. hais hais hais. don't talk about the project thing le. it's over. (: slept at 3am.
dear and meimei playing phone game.
me doing CRS project & dear playing with my camera.
us. <33
yesterday, was late for 1/2 hour for CRS. ohmygod la. not my group's turn to present. need to wait till the next day. cprog was also another module that i'm not understanding. hais. have to jiayou liao. ...
ate at school's cafe and did abit touch up on CRS project. went home at 2pm with dear. good girl. hahahahahaha. ;P
slept awhile. mama cooked dinner. 9pm gotten CRS project from beloved.
tired... still have to do. managed to chiong finish. thanks sm! thanks beloved! thanks dear! muacks! (:
slept at 1 plus.
Monday, July 21, 2008 / 10:18 PM
ohmyFtian! yesterday actually is 5 plus go out to meet dear de. in the end know that korkor ordering pizza so waited at home... waited till 8pm! stupid la. dumb lo. just a simple address only... then end up the pizza cold and hard. hais. then dear waited for 3 hours for me. hahahaahahah.took train to meet him at dhoby ghaut. watching 950pm show. ate large popcorn, never finish it in the end. hahahahaha. after the show went over to cine and play pool for an hour jiu cab home le. (:fun night! LOL. slept at 4am."red cliff".meet beloved at cck in the morning to go school. bought strepsils for dear for his sore throat. hahahahaha. ate a curry puff too. *yummy*went thermo lecture. darn sians. played BINGO with beloved during the second part. ;Pate hotplate chicken beancurd noodle at koufu. NICE. LOL.went moberly and sat on sofa. chit chat while waiting for sm to come. the guys all play dota. =.=so sleepy while waiting...kaye came le. did some CRS project. went for computer prog. i got 86 for my prac test. wahahahaha. ;D so proud of myself. w/o output! LOL.sat outside with beloved to talk. sians, don't feel like going into the room. chatted for around 45 mins. (: went back in and catch up with the work. difficult...after school ate western food, chicken cutlet! hahahahahaha. played BINGO. with beloved, dear and jack. played till 6 plus.the train so packed!! ohmyFtian. hahaha. dear acc-ed me home, talk to meimei and mama. ;Date chipster, watch tv.he's still beside me now. wahahaha. *grins*going to sleep after he go home. muacks.tomorrow got etech lab test. hope i can do well ba. heehee. byebye.
Sunday, July 20, 2008 / 4:30 PM
woke up at 3 plus. SLEPT FOR 17 HOURS! ohmyFtian. sleep too little for the past few days le. wake up jiu blog le. watching tv. going out with dear later. will be watching movie. heehee.;Dbyebye.
/ 3:22 PM
wednesday after school, went cine to watch movie with BFF(w/o sm). watch 1pm show. my opinion to the show is v v nice! ;Date kobayashi after the show. walk walk around after that.andy meet gf, zx beloved went to meet friends. left me, zj and jack. jack bought things. hahahahahahaha. no movies to watch le. all sold out! GRR. so took train home. went my house downstairs de mac to eat. came up my house as he was having stomachache. we had a talk. mama also told him to stay as it's late le. so we chat through the night till 6am. (:finally, i've agreed to what he ask. hahahahahahaha. muacks to my dear!"it's a boy girl thing".
wore the havainas! <33
my beloved! <33
thurs: sleep little then go for 1pm school. didn't go for school, get mc from polyclinic with beloved. zj and jack came over and find us. after clinic, the four of us went over to lot 1 and eat kfc. andy came to find us. we walk walk around lot 1. it's been long since i walk around lot 1. even though i missed it so much but it's all over. (:i went home to put my bag while beloved went work. zj and jack took bus and meet me, and i board the bus. went wheelock place. jack bought crumpler. nice! hahahahaha. no movies again. =.= ate hokkien mee at a kopitiam outside cine. tempting. took train home.until cck, too thirsty, so went to buy drinks. hahahaha. took 190 from interchange. saw thoo. hais. memories came back. but i have to wake up, that's all over. so i truly love the one now! heehee.
fri: after school ate at koufu. did maths project. took train with BFF(w/o zj). beloved went to work, jack and andy went out, sm go home. haahahahhah. went over to tamp. ate chicken boon elliot and weetee at ehub.wanted to watch red cliff but only first row seats so don't want le. bowling lanes also. so went mac and talk awhile. hahahahahha. walked to busstop to take NR. stay over at bendan's house. asked permission. (:sleep awhile only. yesterday reach home at 7 plus. ate porridge and that's my only meal for that day. ate bread with an egg mama cooked for me kiap in between. thanks mama, muacks!meimei is sick! omfg. v v serious wor. hope she can get well soon.
sleep at 9plus. was very tired and sleepy! chatted with dear awhile jiu fell asleep liao.
Friday, July 18, 2008 / 1:04 AM
sweet days started after 17july2008, four twentyfive am. hahahha! ;Dreally hope that i'll be happy with my choice and not regretting. muacks!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008 / 11:03 PM
lalalalalalala~yesterday after the cprog test, went koufu as mentioned to eat dinner(sambal chicken) and also do CRS project. it's still undone! yeah! it's not due by this week le, instead postponed to next week. wahahahaha! cause majority of us haven't complete it. ;Pwent dhoby ghaut. ate onion rings. train-ed home. reach at 11 plus! meet up with beloved zx at cck. ate curry puff and sweet corn before class. gotten my thermo retest, i passed!! hahahahaha. ;Date chicken delights during the break. etech was fine, chiong-ing during the tutorial. eaten sweet corn again before the tutorial. gotten back etech test, failed by 2 marks! have to jiayou liao.ate western food(fried fish fillet with fries) for dinner in SP koufu. :xwent home after that. was early today. *grins* took train home with beloved and zj acc me home. want watch movie but no showtimes. played DJ max in the living room. ohmytian. cannot multitask in DJ max lo! GRR. keep breaking la. play play play, until 10 plus then bath. hahahahaha. hanged clothes and now blogging. heehee. ohmyFtian! i've been like eating alot la, but it seems to be uncontrollable. hais. can eat like don't know how many meals a day.ohmyFtian! another thing, my finance is tight tight tight! hais. okayokay. have to pack bag for tomorrow le. turning in le. hahahaha. watching movie with BFF[without sm. ;(] tomorrow~ yeappie!byebye! (:
Monday, July 14, 2008 / 5:01 PM
can't believe such things will happen between us man! i think my beloved will understand what i mean. hais. such a big disappointment.cprog prac test suckssss!!! GRR. forget it. just jiayou more next time at SP koufu, beloved help me buy food. (: chiong-ing projects later! due by this week.i'm always happy with BFF around! *muacks*
byebye. hahahahahahaha.
Sunday, July 13, 2008 / 11:05 PM
tagged by CAIYI! ;DRemove 1 qn, and add in one personal question. After which, tag 10 person in your list to do these questions. Also, tag them to let them know that they have to do it. Lastly, list down who you tagged at the bottom! ~Total: 20 qns at the end.What is my favourite colour?ORANGE! Where will you go if someone sponsors you a tour ticket?ums, must see who the person is. haven't thought of where actually. Do you think that money can buy happiness?sometimes.If you can have 1 dream to come true, what would it be?have lots of time with my family, and friends and loved ones.Do you belief you can survive without money?no, when i'm in the city.Do you encourage girls to admit their love to the guys?yuppie! they should in order to fight for their happiness. What do you dream of doing in the future?ums, probably kindergarten teacher?What makes you happy?to be with the right people. What type of person do you hate most?those who do things at the wrong time and irritates me. Where do you see yourself down the road?how would i know.... hahahahahahh.If you do not have a boyfriend/girlfriend, do you feel like having one now?i do not have a boyfriend & i wanna have one now! ;PWhat do you think is the most important thing in your life?friendship.If you have a chance to change your life, what would you want to change?have more chance to travel instead of stuck in my own world. *grins*If you are given a chance to re-live your life, would you live it the way you are living now?yuppie!Are you courageous to tell a person that you like him/her?probably no, unless i am clear of his feelings for me. (:Would you rather follow the heart or the mind in deciding the right one?HEART!What would i consider about when i stead with a guy/girl?of course i must be happy and comfortable with. & more. Do you eat prawns?YES! i like them very much. hahahahahaha.Do you think it's right to lie?yuppie! white lies please. (:okay done! hahahahahaha. 10 people to answer this!-garry-jiejie-krystal sister-peishi dearie-sinee boyfriend-weileng-weiyang-weiying-xinlei-zhixin
/ 5:57 PM
woke up at 4 pm! wahahahahahha. did not go for weetee de house warming. hais. next time then i go your house okay? ;Dso boredddddd! want go out but nowhere to go. bd going for wedding dinner. no idea of meeting people anot. hais.sians day!! GRR.
/ 5:10 PM
thurs: so angry and pek chek during the prac! GRR. so f-ed up. after school, waited at library with jackjack && zj for zx, sm and andy to finish their retest. the two played DJ max while i practise my fmaths. *good girl, wahahahha!*
went city hall with zx. ate kway chap w jackjack & zj as zx have no time to eat le, have to work. *nice nice!* pool @ bugis. trained home.
fri: scrabble @ moberly after school with zx, andy and jackjack. the two guys went to play bball after that while me and zx sit there and see. took pictures. hahahahahaha. ;D
wearing the jersey! <33

my beloved! <33tamp.mac delivery.
his sis send me home. *thanks lots! (:*
sat: woke up late. ;P
went cityhall to find zx with zj. ate mac. bought havainas! *FINALLY* ohmyfgod! my feet is like very small, size 3! hahahahahhahaha. also a black superman polo tee. *thanks bd!*
went over to tamp and meet boon & elliot. long time never see them le.
did my piercing. (: hahahahah. ate ramen ten! it's nice. and very full. ;P
laughters. ums, pool @ safra. talk talk awhile as we have to wait for our turns.
ate mac de onion rings.
NR and cab home.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008 / 3:54 PM
did not go for school today! got MC. woke up at 12 plus. zx coming over! hahahahahaha.
asked her over so that i can acc her. (: she's studying for her retest. JIAYOU WOR. she went off 1 hour ago. we ate lunch together. i'm feeling very what about fringe last time liao, GRR. covering part of my vision le. so, she acc me go bangkit to trim my hair. *muacks*
go back my house, i bathed again. ate medi, but not drowsy de. heehee. send her off to the lrt station. received jiejie sms, told me to pack my table, going to throw away le! now i'm awaiting for TZJ's arrival. ;Pokay, i'm going to pack up my messy messy table le. byebye!
/ 3:18 PM
sat night: "driving lessons". played pool awhile.sun: zj acc me go eat LJS at msq. (: bought a pooh eraser from minitoons! trained to novena to meet zhixin. hahahahaha.zx and i went to the yishun de pasar malam and bought food. weeeeeeee. went to her house after that, taunting! yeah! ;D

played viwawa, study, eat. did some manicure and pedicure. LOL.i've been eating alot every 2 hours. ohmygod. slept at 3, studying for tues thermo retest. mon: took cab to school. meet up with jack and zj for mac breakfast. very very uncomfortable on the cab. )))):went for thermo lecture. did not go for afternoon lessons as alot people never go.
went tpy for pool.
tpy library.ate doughnut, chicken noodle, waffle. not feeling well! took train till cityhall then took cab cause i was really not feeling well. headache. reach home watched 9pm show. nice nice. remove nail polish. headache was gone for awhile. it became giddiness after bathing. GRR.feeling feverish. SHIT. over the night, my body was like burning! very very hot but limbs are cold. never even on air con lo, the fan was turn to very low le. omfg. so xinku throughout the night. )))): *hope that you're with me*tues: decided to go school despite i was very sick. i want to take the thermo retest which i had studied like hell for it. meet zx at cck. thermo retest was okay! *cross fingers* hahahahahaha. but at least i've tried my very best. ;Date ban mian. during the etech lecture and prac, my face turned very pale. i was told to see a doc by friends. THANKS FOR ALL OF THE CONCERN!
my pale and blur face! some internal conflicts happened, shall not mention again. haha. i believe one day everything would be fine and we will be together together again. I REALLY HOPE THAT WE ALL COULD BE TOGETHER TOGETHER AGAIN! ;P
went IMM with andy jack and zj. eat and go home le. went to see doc at my house downstairs, acc-ed by TZJ. hahahahaha. thanks lots! reach home, watch tv, bathed and ate medi. slept at 12 plus. giddy giddy after the drowsy medi.
Saturday, July 5, 2008 / 6:44 PM
woke up at 4pm today!
changed bedsheet, sweep and wipe floor. hang up the bedsheets.

a bit tired after doing all these.
now i am updating blog lo. ;D
going out le! hahahaha.