Friday, March 30, 2012 / 2:04 AM
Hi there! Here's my recent update, nothing much except for slacking for the past 2 weeks. Haha, oops. But I kinda like this cause I could relax and sit down all day in front of my laptop catching the dramas I always wanted to. :D
Not to forget, attended Grace's 21st BBQ last Saturday. It's simple but fulfilled as there's smiles all over everyone! :)
Sweet 21st to you!
I'm actually quite happy now as I just found out I've put down some things which I thought I'm still holding on. I really hope you are too. As I've said, if I'm now given a second chance to do it again, I'll not do it better or have an extra step towards it. I'm clear-minded now that there's really a limit to do anything, everything. Just some thoughts. :)
Will update soon! Bye! <3
Thursday, March 22, 2012 / 1:24 AM
Hello, I'm back to blog. I'm stunned with my last entry which is last year. Oops. The main reason behind this update is I'M BORED. I'm semi-jobless now for the moment. For weekdays, I feel so slack and bored seriously... For weekends, I've this job which gave me the opportunity to mix with kids. It's pretty relaxing and fun. Haha. So for this time being, I'm actually waiting for my school to start in April which I can't wait to start. This is something I've been waiting for 4 years to finally pursue it! ^^v
Oh ya, I'm a short hair girl now. Even thinking of cutting it shorter someday! Heehee.
Still with this Sampat! <3
I'll update this space soon! :)